Willow Winds and Paul First Nation

Willow Winds has recently expanded coverage to include Paul Band First Nation. We sat down with Willow Winds Executive Director Angela Kemble to find out more.


Q1: How did this relationship between Willow Winds and Paul Band start?
Angela: Paul Band is on the outskirts of network coverage and the supports they were receiving were being contracted out to a third party which expected residents to come to them, rather than go on reserve. Willow Winds was approached to expand our network of coverage but we didn’t have funding to do so at the time.

Once I became a WRAP coach, I took the Paul Band schools (as well as Spruce Grove and Devon) into my network. As I was building relationships with the schools, I hosted a lunch at the school and connected with the health unit next door to the school. The Health Unit asked us to do some Professional Development for them, which is ultimately how the relationship with Paul Band really got started. To this day, the health unit continues to be our champion.

We did an environmental scan of what they needed for support and found a way to fund a part time FASD/PCAP/Prevention Conversation mentor position under Willow Winds. Debbie at Healthy Families, Healthy Future now covers Paul Band. With permission from EFAN (Edmonton Fetal Alcohol Network), Willow Winds took over the entirety of FASD support services for Paul Band April 1, 2024 and caseloads have steadily grown ever since. People there knew of us from our work in nearby Alexis and were ready to work with us.

When I was there and saw the need first hand, I couldn’t say no – the need is there and more funding is needed for all communities to receive this kind of support.

Q2: What are you most excited for with this expansion?
Angela: For the entire community to be served – cultural sensitivity training, building connection to the community, building connection with chief and council, access to school for programs and support, access to youth and children, etc. We strive to provide the same well rounded service we provide in Alexis and help them build things in community so they’re self sufficient.