The Language We Use Is Important

Subtle differences in wording can make a big difference to those living with FASD.

Since 2017, CanFASD, a Canadian FASD organization, has published a resource focused on respectful ways of writing and talking about FASD – the “Common Messaging Guide.”

The guide is reviewed and updated every year based on new research and conversations within the FASD community. Individuals with lived experience of FASD have been increasingly involved in providing feedback on the topics covered and language used to describe issues related to FASD.

It’s important to remember – a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to language and messaging does not always apply. The suggestions provided in the guide are intended to be inclusive and respectful. However, to acknowledge the diversity and uniqueness of each person with FASD, it’s recommended to connect with the individual to ensure that language choices are reflective and respectful.

Click HERE to read this year’s Common Messaging Guide.